
part 8

dont travel in space, see?
though any radio knows
the static bombarding receivers
what has taken place in the night time sky

permeating the time by which they travel-
screaming energy,
searching for a sympathetic ear.

The Sirens
of the sea converse amidst
the human voice and all the  entertainment
the world transmits to space,
where the universe advertises its existance
beyond the censorship of atmosphere
and the boundaries of states.

In You,
in fact, these are the building blocks
electro-magnetically missing the world,
your love, belief, family, fortune and fate,

imprisoned in flight and free
to explore space,
having put some distance
between yourself and dissillusionment.

What impels
into ambition?
Condensing life into Einstein's tram ride
toward and away from the town clock.
Judging speed and distance by light,
whereby, the dark ocean in which you sail
submerged, is also scaled around you.

By you, in fact,
the cosmos enters consciousness,
dependant as much on what you can imagine
as what you see, out the window.

First may eyes see
more stars than you imagine counting.

